The Idea Integration Co. is an award-winning boutique marketing and advertising agency run by Saul Colt. Our specialties are creating word-of-mouth campaigns, and content creation, as well as stunts that get noticed, shared, and drive revenue. Our in-house creative team is comprised of alumni from MAD Magazine and The Simpsons ensuring our ideas are memorable and non-derivative…oh and our work has been featured in five New York Times best-selling business books and more places than can fit in a refrigerator box.
This site may not be as pretty as other agencies and sometimes there are typos in our decks but our work, style, and creativity is unparalleled and that is why you should work with us.
Our specialty is creativity and we deliver based on the fact that our team is made up of professionally creative and funny people. Saul Colt (Creative Genius), Bill Morrison (MAD Magazine and The Simpsons), Dick Debartolo (MAD Magazine), Ian Boothby (Simpsons), Teresa Burns Parkhurst (New Yorker), Tom Richmond (MAD Magazine) and, many others. There is no one like us and it shows in our work.
Our Clients and Media Who Have Covered Our Work
We have had the pleasure of working with some of the most recognizable brands in the world…and a bunch of hungry smaller brands who are making a difference.
Our specialty is to partner with brands who want to take chances. Calculated chances but chances just the same. We pride ourselves on lasting client relationships and results that make careers.
Our work has been featured in five New York Times best-selling business books as well as the most major publications.
“The Idea Integration Company knows that they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but rather than broad-based appeal, they strive to be the first choice for companies with small to medium-sized budgets who want to take creative marketing chances and are ready to embrace unorthodox techniques” – Forbes Magazine